Monday, November 30, 2009

Meet Executive Board Member Shelli Arthur

“I graduated from Weber State University in Early Childhood Education with an Elementary Endorsement and ESL Endorsement. I have taught Kindergarten and First grade at Oak Hill Elementary for 15 years.
“I am grateful to have the opportunity to serve in my professional teaching association on the DEA Executive Board as the minority member. I have had the opportunity to attend the NEA Western Region Minority Conference and Minority Leadership Training. These trainings have taught me how important it is to respect our students’ heritage, culture, and family environment. I am currently serving on the DEA Membership Committee. I am also currently on JSSC and have been a building representative in the past.”

Shelli can be reached at

Monday, November 23, 2009

DEA Member Appreciation Night at Costco

On Saturday, December 5, DEA members will be able to go to the West Bountiful Costco from 7-9 PM for a special Holiday Shop Night with prizes, food, and more. For this special evening, you can shop without being a Costco member. If you are a Costco member, you will be able to shop as usual during these extra evening hours. If you are not a Costco member, you may shop that night but recognize that you can only shop with cash, debit cards, or American Express cards. Those who are not members of Costco will be able to join that night if they would like.

Join us for this fun opportunity to save some money on your holiday shopping.

Costco Wholesale
573 W 100 N
West Bountiful, UT 84087

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Retirement Summary and Educational Funding

The link below will take you to a posting on UEA's Under the Dome which summarizes the current issues facing retirement. This site will be one to check in the coming months as we prepare for the upcoming legislative session.

This link will take you to an editorial from today's Salt Lake Tribune supporting funding for education.

Joel and Pat are attending the education interim committee this morning. Please keep checking the blog for important updates.

We can't use our mass emailing right now, but UEA is hoping to fixt the problem soon.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Meet Executive Board Member Holly Lee

"I have been a teacher for 14 years. I am a product of Davis School District schools. I attended Weber State University where I received a degree in science and in elementary education. I taught at Clinton Elementary for 10 years and am currently serving at Lakeside Elementary in West Point. I teach 6th grade but have experience in 4th through 6th. I completed my Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction in 2005. I also work for the State Office of Education on their Language Arts Textbook Adoption Committee and as a writer revising the Core Curriculum as well as writing end of level tests. Outside of work, I am a mom of five kids who are very busy. I watch sporting events frequently. I also enjoy reading, sewing, cooking, gardening, and hiking.

I have been a member of the DEA, UEA, and NEA since I started teaching. While I was student teaching, my cooperating teacher told me to join, and I did. I became the AR at my school during my second year of teaching. I have been either an AR or on the Executive Board since then. I think that as teachers we need to be unified and proactive in our association. I have worked on many committees with the DEA and the school district. We are very lucky to have such a great working relationship with our leaders in the District. I feel that when teachers are part of the same organization, our united voice becomes stronger. I enjoy working with teachers as part of my role on the Executive Board and look forward to doing it in the future."
You can reach Holly at

Monday, November 16, 2009

Richard Heath, Executive Board Member, Leads Layton Main Street Band

DEA's own Richard Heath was featured on the front page of the Davis section of the Ogden Standard Examiner on Saturday, November 14. You can select the link below to read more.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Interim Committee Considers Changes to Retirement System

Joel and Pat spent Wednesday and Thursday morning in Salt Lake City working to preserve the retirement benifits. Wednesday morning they spent an hour with Davis County Senator Dan Liljenquist discussing the current deficit in the retirement fund. Thursday morning they attended an open hearing with other UEA leaders and other interested groups and individuals. The focus of all employee groups impacted is to encourage legislators to move slowly and to not overreact to the recent losses to the system because of the weak economy which seems to be turning around slowly.

Following the presentations by actuaries and auditors, the committee listened to comments for about an hour. Kory Holdaway, the new UEA Government Relations Director, addressed the committee. Along with representatives from other groups, he encouraged caution and discouraged overreaction. "There have been some bumps; there have been some challenges... [but] we need to give it some more time," said Holdaway. He cautioned the committee not to act until we know how much more the economic recovery will grow the fund.

It is important to note that before the economy declined in 2008, Utah's retirement system was among the most sound in the country and it continues to be secure and is regaining ground. DEA and UEA will continue to follow the developments on retirement and other funding issues over the coming months. Watch the space for updates.

You can visit the committee's web site and view the documents at this link:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Meet Executive Board Member Bruce Illum

"I have been a Science Teacher for 22 years. I graduated from Weber State University in 1988 with a BA in Physical Science and Mathematics and a minor in Geology. I have taught various subjects throughout my career including Physical Science, Earth-Space Science, Integrated Science, Earth Systems Science, Conceptual Physics, Pre-algebra and Algebra. I especially enjoy the Earth and Environmental Sciences. I went back to school in 2002 and in 2004 completed a Masters Degree in Chemistry Teaching from the University of Utah. I have been a Wrestling coach for 18 yrs (3 years as assistant coach and 15 years as head coach). We have had great success and have built a tradition of excellence in our program. We have won the Davis District championship twice, and have taken the Davis District North End championship 8 times.

I have been a member of the Association since I began teaching in 1988. My mother was a lifetime member (30 yrs teaching) and I spent many hours in my younger years growing up in her 3rd grade classroom for many hours each summer. (I became a bulletin board expert at 12) I learned to value the association she had with her colleagues. When I began teaching the first thing she asked was if I had joined the association. She felt it so important that she offered to pay my first year’s dues, saying that the association and protection it offers are well worth the cost. She made a point that my family, home and reputation are worth far more than the cost of the dues. I have since learned this to be true. But the greatest asset to membership and becoming involved in the association has brought me friendships, professional relationships and experiences with the wonderful educational community that could not be gotten anywhere else. Relationships to build the teaching profession can be a very powerful tool and it is though our “association that these are fostered and strengthened."
You can reach Bruce at

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Meet Executive Board Member Jennifer Tanner

Jennifer Tanner is currently a resource teacher at Woods Cross High School after beginning her career in 1998 at North Davis Junior High. Jennifer studied theater and music at Southern Utah University and has performed at Hale Center Theater, Desert Star Theater, Utah Musical Theater, and the Utah Shakespearean Festival. Jennifer has been an Association Rep since becoming a member. Jennifer is currently working on her Masters Degree and National Board Certification. Jennifer has a wide variety of interests and accomplishments including running marathons, reading, and movies. When you see Jennifer ask her to demonstrate her pig calling skills.

"I joined the association after seeing the lengths to which it goes to advocate for members. DEA does an excellent job of finding a balance between the need to be a partner with the district and their role as an advocate for teachers. As a newer member, even though I loved DEA, I sometimes felt less satisfied with my membership in NEA and wondered if they really represented me. With time I have come to see how DEA, UEA, and NEA have worked together to improve working conditions for teachers and education for students. Even as a conservative teacher in a conservative state, I really feel like "I am the NEA"; and I am a better teacher because of it."

You can contact Jennifer at

Monday, November 9, 2009

Editorial Support for Education Funding and Ethics Reform

The Salt Lake Tribune has published two recent editorials that you may want to read. The first is from Sunday, November 8 in support of funding for education.

The second is regarding ethics reform from Monday, November 9.

Both of these call for action by the legislature during the upcoming session.

Please share these links with others who might be interested.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Meet Executive Board Member Andrew Owens

"I am a Speech-Language Pathologist in my 6th year at Davis, and in my second year as a DEA executive board member. I am really enjoying the service I am able to give to my students in my work, and to my peers and fellow DEA members. Helping each other and sharing information and opportunities that can improve life is my great privilege. I believe that being a member of professional organizations and helping to further their agendas in a great way to improve myself as a person and as an educator. I enjoy the being involved in and supporting good causes, and I enjoy feeling that I have something important to care about.

I have a great personal interest in the quality of education for children. Clinton has been my home for the past 5 years, since moving from Las Vegas, where I taught middle-school choir, orchestra, Mariachi, general music, and where I went back to school. My wife is a music teacher, and my three kids are attending Davis County schools. I hope that their peers, colleagues, and teachers will be as committed to improving their educational and social environments by working for the best things in life."

You can email Andrew at

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Retirement at Risk

We have an assignment for you. Will you make a phone call or send an email to a legislator before next Thursday? It couldn’t be more important. Your retirement is at stake. Here’s the background:

The Utah State Legislative Retirement Committee is meeting next Thursday, November 12, to consider possible changes to the state retirement system for teachers and other state employees.

Dramatic changes are on the table, including switching all current, or all future state employees from a guaranteed retirement (Defined Benefit) to a variable retirement (Defined Contribution), in which the state would place a lower percentage of the employees salary in a 401k, and the employee’s retirement would be solely dependent on their skill and luck in where they invested that money, when they moved the money, and swings in the stock market, and the U.S. and world economy.

Other possible changes to the Utah Retirement System that are being discussed:

- Suspend or lower the 1.5 percent contribution to 401(k) or 403(b);
- Suspend or lower post-retiree employees’ (“double dippers”) contribution to 401(k) or 403(b);
- Extend the final average salary period (from the current three years to perhaps five years or more), thereby slightly reducing the retirement benefit;
- Increase the vesting period (i.e.: from four years to six years);
- Put a minimum age condition on the 30-year benefit (there is currently no minimum retirement age if you have 30 years in URS);
- Partial benefit payments until certain age (phase retirement);
- Reduce the multiplier from 2 percent of the final salary to 1.9 percent for each year worked;
- Require all new employees to participate in a defined-contribution system 401(k) or 403 (b);
- Reduce post-retirement benefits.

DEA Members should have received an email with instructions for contacting legislators. If you did not receive an email, please contact the DEA Office and we will send another.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bond Proposal Passes With Strong Support

The Davis School District Bond passed with over 60% of those voting casting ballots of support. DEA officers and staff have devoted a great deal of time to supporting the district informational meetings in schools and around the community. It was believed the bond would have widespread support among voters, but there has also been concern that the ballot language could be confusing. Thanks to all who spread the word to neighbors and friends about the need for the bond and helped voters to understand the ballot language.

Let the construction begin!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Meet Executive Board Member Candace Peters

"I have been part of the Davis School District since 1976! I taught First Grade for twelve wonderful years at Farmington and Oak Hills Elementary. Our family moved to Boston in 1988 and I was able to spend the next ten years at home with our boys and volunteering in their classrooms. Twelve years ago I returned full time to the classroom, earning my Master's Degree and becoming National Board Certified. I currently teach the Sixth Grade Spectrum class at Centerville Elementary.

Membership in our professional association is very important to me. I believe that it enriches and strengthens my position as a professional educator. As a member of the DEA Executive Board I have had the opportunity to work closely with many school representatives and have brought the concerns of their schools and faculties to the attention of the board and our local Uniserve. I hope to be able to continue to serve our members in this capacity in the future."

You can email Candace at