Thursday, March 25, 2010

What Now?

The legislature is over. What happens next? The stress continues as we wait for exact figures from the Utah State Office of Education regarding funding for next year. Although the negotiating team has been formed and will begin meeting before spring break, final figures will not be revealed until after the break. At that time the team will begin meeting with the district in earnest. The Insurance Committee has been meeting all year and will be meeting several times in the next month to analyze our usage patterns and cost increases which must also be addressed during negotiations.

As we await results from the district's survey and budget meetings, we have begun to craft our own survey which will help us fill in any gaps from the district's information.

At the same time, we are gathering final signatures for the ethics petition. If you have a signature book, we ask that you arrange to get it to us before spring break so they can be turned over to Dee Burningham who has been coordinating with us throughout the process. If you wish to sign and have not been able to do so, please visit the Utahns for Ethical Government web site where you can sign on line.

In addition, we must continue to organize for county and state conventions as well as primary elections. We will continue to post candidate responses to our survey as we receive them.

As you can see, the stress and time commitment of your elected and staff leaders does not end with the legislative session. Watch for updates on all of these things on the blog and in your email boxes.