Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Disturbing Comments from Lt. Governor Bell

Read the disturbing comments made by Greg Bell during a luncheon in Salt Lake City. Click Here

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Election Results

President: Don Paver

Vice President: Yvonne Speckman

Comment from candidate Jennifer Roberts on our Facebook Page

"Congratulations to Don and Yvonne our new President and Vice-President. Thanks for being willing to serve at this challenging time. The high percentage of voters that cast a ballot for this election indicate that our members are engaging more and see the association as important at this critical time. I hope we all stay involved and do our part for the sake of the chidren and the profession."

Add your comments on Facebook or on this blog.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Richard Heath Published in Deseret News

Change Utah's Nomination Process by Richard Heath, DEA Executive Board

There are some things that are out of date: button shoes, steam automobiles, poodle skirts and Utah's political party caucus system. It is time for Utah to join the 20th century - I don't know about the 21st century yet (I don't want to push it) - and drop this antiquated political practice.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Legislative Session Ends

During the last 45 days the legislature passed over 500 bills. More than 240 were passed just this week. Probably even the legislators don't understand completely what they have done.

The UEA and DEA staffs will go to work analyzing how the bills impact schools, teachers and students as we begin preparations for negotiations. What we do know is that it could have been worse. Because our legislature has been frugal over the last two years and has not overspent in anticipation of an economic recovery (silver lining?), we are beginning to see improvements in funding rather than continued declines as in many other states. We still face some economic challenges caused by two years of unfunded growth, increasing retirement and social security costs, continuing increases in health insurance costs, and other pressures caused by the recession and other factors.

The UEA lobbying team will be posting legislative summaries over the next few days. Please continue to watch UEA Under the Dome for those updates. DEA will work closely with the District Administration to determine how the changes impact Davis School District. The final budget numbers will not be available to us until after spring break.

Monday, March 7, 2011

UEA President Speaks Out in Deseret News

Some Utah policy makers only view public education from the 30,000-foot level. The advantage to this perspective is that "bombs" can be dropped on our children and teachers without regard to the consequences to those on the ground.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rotten Apples for Teachers - Paul Rolly

With just four days left in the 2011 legislative session, the annual assault on public school teachers is just about over for this year.

After Thursday, teachers can lick their wounds, hobble into their classrooms and continue to try to teach kids to the best of their ability, despite relentless attacks from the tea party movement that they are overpaid, lazy and socialist.

Read More

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Misconceptions about Teacher Evaluation

Here is another great letter to the editor from the SL Tribune regarding teacher evaluation.

Click Here to Read and/or Comment

Let Lawmakers Do It All

This letter from former DEA VP Dave Van Langeveld appeared in the Deseret News.