Thursday, November 8, 2012

Education is more than an Economic Issue

"We must also remember that one of the primary reasons for becoming educated is to learn how to live, how to create a good life. Life is about more than money."

Read the Editorial from the Davis County Clipper

Monday, November 5, 2012

Education Takes Back Seat to Roads

"In the final analysis it is how we spend our state tax money that reflects our values..."

Read the Column

Also, read about the non-partisan Davis School Board elections being tainted by party politics.

Read the Column

Monday, October 1, 2012

Schools Not Broken

But Success Takes Work

This column appeared in the Davis County Clipper last week. Please take a minute and read it. It will make you feel better.

Read the Column

Friday, September 28, 2012

Excellence in Teaching Awards

Congratulations to Melissa Atwood from Woods Cross High School for being chosen as one of the recipients of UEA's Excellence in Teaching Awards sponsored by Arch Coal. She will be honored at a special event during the upcoming UEA Convention. That makes three in a row for Woods Cross High.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Just imagine what Utah schoolchildren and teachers could do if they had anywhere near the resources of their peers in other states.
Read the SL Tribune Editorial

Thursday, August 23, 2012

School Should Mean a Bright Future

The pervasive attitude on the first day of school is optimism. Children, parents and teachers all generally see the start of a school year as a beginning, an opportunity to improve, a chance to learn more, teach more and prepare for a better future. That's the way it should be.
However, in Utah, teachers and children face unique challenges. State lawmakers too often put other budget priorities - transportation comes to mind - ahead of public education. It seems conservative legislators expend more effort trying to siphon education funds to private schools than increasing revenue streams for public schools.
Read the rest of the SL Tribune Editorial.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sticks and Twine are not Enough

If you have not seen this Pat Bagley cartoon yet, take a look.
Click Here to Read

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Legislature Failing Schools

Utah schools are not failing. The Utah Legislature is failing teachers, students and parents alike.  
Read the Commentary from The Salt Lake Tribune

Monday, April 9, 2012

What are We Waiting For?

"Our education funding malaise is a ticking economic development time bomb. The billions of tax dollars Utah spends to attract firms and launch new ones will be undermined if our future workforce is unable to fill the very jobs our taxes are being used to create."

Read the Article in The Salt Lake Tribune

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Wrong Culprit

It is time for Utah's legislators to get serious about funding public education. HB148 is neither serious nor likely to increase education funding.

Read the Article

Friday, March 9, 2012

Legislature Fails Children

According to this editorial in the Salt Lake Tribune, the legislature didn't go far enough to support education and children.

Read the Editorial

It will take most of next week to sort out exactly what happened in the final days of the legislature. DEA leaders will be meeting with UEA staff and elected leadership next Friday and Saturday to analyze the impact. The District will also be analyzing the impact of legislative decisions on the budget. Soon we will begin meeting with the District in negotiations. In the next few days, UEA will be posting information on the UEA web site on Under the Dome.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Thoughts from UEA President

This commentary from Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh appeared in the Sunday Salt Lake Tribune.

Listen to Education Experts

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Teacher Evaluation

This is an interesting read considering some of the changes being proposed by our own legislature.

Shame is no Solution

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Senate Bill 64

You may have questions about Senator Osmond's bill currently being considered in the legislature. The bill is very complex and the news reports are only somewhat accurate in their coverage. To help you understand the bill, please read the information on the link below.

Learn More About Senate Bill 64

The UEA lobbying team will be monitoring the progress of this bill closely. There is always a concern that a bill will be amended in ways that would make the bill less friendly or worse.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Best Schools Coalition

Senator Karen Morgan summarizes the Best Schools Coalition's plans for the legislative session.

Read her commentary from the Salt Lake Tribune.

Read the Salt Lake Tribune editorial supporting Best School's Coalition's efforts