Monday, March 25, 2013

A Teacher Asks: Why Teach?

Managing teachers through intimidation is not working. Our morale is at an all-time low. Experienced, inspiring teachers are retiring early. Bright, caring young teachers are looking for work elsewhere. Teachers who have loved their jobs are discouraging their own children from pursuing careers in education.
Read the Complete Commentary

Governor, Veto School Grading Bill

Sen. Stuart Adams represents a large portion of Davis School District, one of the finest school districts in the state. During the 2013 legislative session he sponsored SB 271 S3, school grading amendments which will have a profound impact on Davis School District and which now will require two different grading systems for public schools in our state.
Read the complete letter in the Ogden Standard Examiner.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Don't Be Fooled by the Enthusiasm

Gov. Gary Herbert and legislative leaders were effusive over funding granted by the Legislature for public education in the legislative session just ended. It's the biggest infusion of new money for schools in years, they said, and they are right. But don't be fooled by the enthusiasm.
Read the Complete Editorial

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Judging Educators

Stephenson loves that word "accountability." I just wish he would apply it to the Legislature and its failure to adequately fund education or come up with a long-range plan.
Read the Letter to the Editor