3 Days to the UEA Convention!
This year’s convention offers something for everyone.
Of personal and professional interest: There are sessions on identity theft, managing personal finances, Praxis preparation, trends and the future of education in Utah, how the UEA is transforming itself in order to better advocate for our members and for public education and a variety of exhibitors’ displays and booths. In addition, there are keynote sessions on the future of public education and on effectively managing your classroom.
Topics specifically for secondary educators: Sessions on writing in subject areas and how to evaluate writing, special education interventions, decoding strategies for building literacy, using digital stories, technology tools, classroom management, elements of effective instruction, interventions for English language learners, using social networking sites, a variety of teacher resources for secondary, and tips and shortcuts for secondary educators.
Topics specifically for elementary educators: Tips and shortcuts, classroom management, Digital resources and other technology, writing strategies, physical education activities for winter, science, math, social studies, music and the arts in the elementary grades, behavior and classroom management.
See you there!
Kim Campbell
UEA President