I am spending eight days at NEA Headquarters in Washington DC learning the ins and outs of Uniserv work. I am in a training session for new Uniserv Directors from all over the country, from coast to coast - including Hawaii. NEA feels strongly that it is important to support my work for you with training during my first year as your Uniserv Director. It is interesting to hear stories from locals from around the country. There are many things we all share, but also many things that are very different from local to local. All are concerned about bargaining, advocacy, political action and the many other things that I now know are a part of daily life for Uniserv Directors.
Even while I am here, I am keeping in touch with the DEA Office. I have spoken with both Susan and Joel and will arrive home in time to hear the results of the bond election. Remember to get out and vote next Tuesday or get to an early polling location today or tomorrow. I know you all realize how important this bond is and will get out and vote yourselves and explain the importance of the bond to family and friends.
Thanks for this opportunity to work on your behalf. I am looking forward to getting back to the office next Wednesday.