For UEA Educator Day on the Hill February 17, seven Morgan Elementary Teachers visited the legislature to express their concerns about school funding and proposed retirement changes. Stephanie Povey, shown here visiting with Representative Kevin Garn, along with Lori Warden, Julie Sanders, JoAnn Squires, Wendy Ynchausti, Cappy Fechser, and Heidi Short, visited with several legislators including Representative Julie Fisher and Senator Dan Liljenquist. The seven teachers along with Joel Briscoe and Susan Firmage had an unusually long visit lasting 40 minutes with Senator Liljenquist. They also took advantage of the chance to visit with UEA President Kim Campbell and Director of Government Relations Kory Holdaway and ask them specifically, "What comes next?" They wanted to be sure that the energy created by the rally was not lost and teachers would receive direction regarding ways they can help as the session continues. Kory explained the UEA strategy and informed them that they would be asked soon to contact their House members regarding proposed retirement changes and other UEA priorities.