Thousands of teachers and public employees rallied on Capitol Hill on Saturday to ask the legislature to Slow Down and Proceed with Caution. Many Davis educators gave up a part of their Saturday in order to show their concern over the proposed changes to the Utah Retirement System.
Wednesday will be the first day of action on the retirement bills in the Senate Retirement and Independent Entities Committee. Wednesday is also the second Educator Day on the Hill sponsored by UEA. Several Davis teachers are planning to attend. If you are interested in attending an Educator Day on the Hill, contact Susan at
UEA and DEA are tracking other legislation as well including the proposed budget and SB77 which would limit school districts ability to function during the school day by limiting leave for association activities. This could impact even the district's insurance committee which meets during the school day and includes classroom teachers. To follow UEA updates and keep up on the latest developments go to UEA Under the Dome.