You have probably heard news reports that some legislators claim to be holding education harmless. While it is true that education has come out of the legislature with fewer cuts than other state agencies, that does not mean the new budget will not impact classrooms and students. Today's Salt Lake Tribune has two editorials that reflect the impacts of legislative action on schools. Follow these links:
Final Reaction from Educator Day on the Hill
I had a wonderful time at the Capitol today! I really learned a lot about how bills are presented and debated, passed or not passed, in both the House and the Senate. I got to meet and shake hands with two representatives, Representative Barrus from the area where I teach, and Representative Wallis, from the area where I live. I even found out that two years ago I was the second grade teacher to Representative Barrus' grandson! I told Representative Wallis that I was excited to go to my neighborhood caucus coming up in a couple weeks and be a voice for public education. I also got to meet and visit with Senator Dan Liljenquist and thank him for his hard work in supporting ongoing funding for public education.
Thanks to the PAC for allowing me this opportunity!
Valerie Lindeman
Eagle Bay Elementary