The National Education Association and its affiliates are governed democratically. NEA actions and policy are determined each summer at the Representative Assembly (RA). The Davis Education Association usually sends twelve or more delegates to this assembly. The official document containing NEA's beliefs or position on various topics is called the NEA Resolutions. This document is updated and reauthorized by the RA each year.
The group that guides the revising and updating of this document, and assists any NEA member who may wish to submit an amendment to the document, is called the Resolutions Committee (RC). Utah has two teacher members and two education support professionals on this committee. One of the Utah representatives on the committee is Andrew Owens, a member of the DEA Executive Board. Andrew will be traveling to Washington, DC in February for the Resolutions Committee Winter Meeting.
The Resolutions Committee is guided by a five member group called the Internal Editing Committee (IEC). This group, which includes the committee's chair, Tony Crawford, from Oregon, is selected by NEA President Dennis Van Roekel and approved by the NEA Board of Directors. We are fortunate to have Brian Ferguson, who currently represents Davis on the Utah Education Association Board of Directors, as a member of the IEC. He will be meeting with the IEC in January to prepare for the full Resolutions Committee meeting in February.
As you can see, along with Lily Eskelsen, the NEA Vice-president, who is also from Utah, we are very well represented at the national level of our organization.