We hope you had a great winter break and are eager to get back to school. We too took some time off in preparation for a busy new year. As January begins, we welcome a new school board member and begin to prepare for the upcoming legislative session.
We hope you will continue to keep an eye on this spot for updates as the legislative session heats up. We will be watching closely for legislation impacting retirement. The budget will be tight and we will be fighting to maintain education funding in this tight financial year. We will be supporting UEA efforts to lobby the legislature on behalf of teachers. Check http://www.utea.org/ for postings from the UEA lobby team.
At the same time, issues will continue in the district and we will work to be sure teachers are represented as decisions are made. Be sure to comment on the proposed calendars which can be accessed on the district's web page http://www.davis..k12.ut.us/. Several boundary changes are being studied which will impact several elementary and junior high schools. If you work in impacted schools, we encourage you to attend open houses and give input to your administrators.