Friday, October 30, 2009

Meet Vice President and Executive Board Member Don Paver

Don is a fifth grade teacher at Columbia Elementary. Don has been teaching in Davis for 13 years and first joined the association as a student at Weber State. Don has a wide variety of service to the association and the district.

“I am interested in the need to see DEA and UEA become more proactive. We need to be ahead of controversy and better plan for change. We also need to develop a better system of recognizing the good things the association and its members do.
I bring eight years of professional public relations and marketing experience to teaching. I ran for public office in Salt Lake twice. I chaired three of the largest political conventions in the State of Utah. I am a recognized as an in-service and professional development presenter within the District, State and on a national level (UCTM and NCTM). I served on the Utah Council of Teacher of Mathematics Board for six years as the Public Relations Chair. I have been and continue to serve on several state assessment committees.”

You can email Don at

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hello from NEA Headquarters

I am spending eight days at NEA Headquarters in Washington DC learning the ins and outs of Uniserv work. I am in a training session for new Uniserv Directors from all over the country, from coast to coast - including Hawaii. NEA feels strongly that it is important to support my work for you with training during my first year as your Uniserv Director. It is interesting to hear stories from locals from around the country. There are many things we all share, but also many things that are very different from local to local. All are concerned about bargaining, advocacy, political action and the many other things that I now know are a part of daily life for Uniserv Directors.

Even while I am here, I am keeping in touch with the DEA Office. I have spoken with both Susan and Joel and will arrive home in time to hear the results of the bond election. Remember to get out and vote next Tuesday or get to an early polling location today or tomorrow. I know you all realize how important this bond is and will get out and vote yourselves and explain the importance of the bond to family and friends.

Thanks for this opportunity to work on your behalf. I am looking forward to getting back to the office next Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Meet Excecutive Board Member Paulette Hopfenbeck

"I have been teaching in the Davis District for 10 years. I teach history at Clearfield High School and am involved in the IB, MYP, and Falcon Focus programs at our school. I am also a member of the JSSC, serving as the chair this year. This led me to my further involvement in DEA. This is my first year on the Executive Board, and I have been amazed at the time and effort involved in this position.
I'm not sure that people realize how much is done in their behalf behind the scenes to make sure that all DEA members are supported and represented. I have come to greatly respect my colleagues, and am glad that I have always been a member of DEA in my educating career. I appreciate the opportunity to serve. "

You can email Paulette at

Monday, October 26, 2009

Meet Executive Board Member Jessica Dunn

"I am in my ninth year of teaching 3rd Grade at Adelaide Elementary. In the spring I also teach Drama, after school, for 5th and 6th Graders. I have been a proud member of DEA, UEA, and NEA, since my New Teacher Orientation. Two years ago I volunteered to be an Association Representative because I wanted to be more actively involved. Since then I have served in many capacities as an Association Rep and now as an Executive Board member.

For many years I was uninformed about my rights as a teacher, naïve to the hardships facing my colleagues, and overwhelmed by all of my responsibilities. Two of my current goals are to help other people overcome similar feelings and share with them information about the association that has empowered me as an educator.

You can reach Jessica at

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mary Ann Mower, Former DEA Board Member Remembered

Mary Ann graduated from Bountiful High School in 1973 and completed a degree in English Education at the University of Utah in 1979. She taught English and Spanish at Bountiful Junior High and Bountiful High School. She completed a master's degree in school psychology at the University of Utah and worked as a school psychologist in the Granite and Davis School Districts until 2007.
Read the obituary:

Meet Executive Board Member Trudy Henderson

Trudy Henderson is a fourth grade teacher at Buffalo Point Elementary. Trudy has been a Davis School District teacher of the year and has been honored by the school board for changing the state song. Trudy had been a member of the association since her first day in the classroom and has served in a variety of leadership positions including being vice president of two local associations and continuous service representing her building, district, and state.

Why am I a proud member of DEA/UEA/NEA?
“I am a professional and I belong to my professional organization. I am involved in association activities because together the members have the strength to stand up for what we know is right for kids' learning and the environments we teach them in every day. Public schools are the future of America to educate the workforce with skills and knowledge. What better legacy is there to leave to the future generations of educators and the students than the laws, policies, and funding we are working so hard to gain for them today?”

You can email Trudy at

Monday, October 19, 2009

Early Voting Schedule - Vote Yes on the Bond

Early voting begins Tuesday, October 20. The DEA Executive Board has voted to endorse this bond and encourages a YES vote which on the ballot actually says: “FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS.”

Select this link to find the early voting schedule or contact your local municipal government.

Meet Executive Board Member Richard Heath

I have taught for 33 years in Davis County, all of them at Central Davis. I have also been a resident of Kaysville for 33 years. I am a graduate of Bountiful High School and later Southern Utah University (then, Southern Utah State College); I have been a member of the United Teaching Profession for 33 years and an Association Representative for about 16 years or so. Recently, I have been a delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly, UEA House of Delegates, DEA Political Action Committee, and serve as the DEA representative on the UEA Political Action Council.

I am a committed advocate for kids, teachers, and the important role the arts play in education. Our association is the platform to help move these things along. I never thought 33 years ago that I would be so involved in these causes. I can’t stand idly by and see all we have fought for be gradually eroded away. You as committed members of our association need to stand for the principles that have guided in the past and still guide our organization today: “A GREAT PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR EVERY CHILD!”

Richard represents the central part of the district. His contact schools are Central Davis Junior, Crestview Elementary, East Layton Elementary, King Elementary, Layton High, Morgan Elementary, and Whiletsides Elementary.

You can email Richard at

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Former Davis Educator Mourned

Lynn Wayne Hansen (1922 – 2009) retired in 1990 after 38 years as a principal and classroom teacher, first in Idaho and then in Davis County Schools. Mr. Hansen touched the lives of thousands of students during his career.

See the full obituary:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Petition Drives Explained to Building ARs

At the monthly AR meetings for building reps in Farmington on Monday and Tuesday, Vik Arnold explained the Utahns for Ethical Government initiative drive. Vik is a former DEA President and Uniserv Director as well as the former Director of Government Relations for the UEA. Fair Boundaries spokesman Randy Miller also explained their initiative to the reps. Both Vik and Randy expressed that they believe the initiatives are vital to the future and true representative government in Utah.

Your DEA Executive Board supports both the Government Ethics Reform and the Fair Boundaries initiatives. Both groups are currently seeking signatures. DEA building reps will be bringing petitions back to the schools this week for staff members to sign. Please remember to conduct these drives outside of contract times - at lunch and before and after school. You can also contact DEA to obtain packets to circulate in your communities and to volunteer to help gather signatures at community events, grocery stores, etc.

For more information you can visit these web sites.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Stuart Wins Grand Prize at UEA Convention

Linda (Tommy) Stuart was the winner of the Bose Wave music system during the UEA Convention. DEA President Susan Firmage presented her with the prize during the Representative Council Meeting on Monday, October 12.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Funding for Instructional Leaders and 6.4 Hours of Prep Time

We have worked out the details for two great programs DEA has negotiated for the benefit of teachers.

Principals will be receiving information today regarding the money for Instructional Leaders set aside during negotiations last spring. The JSSC will need to meet to determine how the money will be used in each school. Watch for information from your Principal, JSSC Chair or DEA Association Rep. Since the Quality Teaching Block Grant was not funded by the legislature, this benefit will need to be revisited during negotiations next spring.

Principals will also be contacting teachers regarding the payroll procedures for reporting the 6.4 hours of teacher prep time outside of contract hours. This is an ongoing provision in our negotiated agreement. Those hours must be worked before the end of October and will be reported in November for payroll. Probably most of you have already gone well beyond that number of hours beyond contract time.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dee Burningham Receives UEA Honor Roll Award

During the "Superstars in Education" awards banquet last Thursday, former DEA Executive Director Dee Burningham was awarded the UEA Honor Roll award by Mark Mickelsen, UEA Executive Director. Dee has committed his professional and personal life to supporting public schools and teachers. Following his work as Executive Director of the DEA, he worked as Director of Government Relations at UEA. Since retiring he has continued to be involved in politics. His current interest is the Utahns for Ethical Government petition initiative which he is helping to promote throughout the state.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Meet Executive Board Member Yvonne Speckman

"I am in my 14th year teaching for Davis School District. I teach a 5/6 split class at Layton Elementary. I have been an association member since college and feel strongly that being a member of our professional organization is one of the best things that a teacher can do when they enter this profession. I wanted to be more involved in the association because I see how important it is to be involved. I have valued my time on the executive board and look forward to serving all members of the association in the future."

Yvonne represents the central area of the district. Her contact schools are Adams Elementary, Layton Elementary, Lincoln Elementary, Mountain View Elementary, North Layton Junior High, Northridge High, and South Weber Elementary.

You can email Yvonne at

Sunday, October 4, 2009

This Week at DEA

Last week was an exciting week at the UEA Convention. This week members head back to classrooms and schools with renewed energy and commitment to the education of the young people of Utah. We hope your fall break was refreshing and productive.

DEA Officers, Board Members and Uniserv Directors are attending as many district bond meetings as possible. If you have not attended a meeting at your school, listen for details or check the school district web site to find more information about the upcoming bond election. In addition, there are meetings this week for Smaller Learning Communities, Board of Education, District Insurance Committee and District Leadership that Susan, Don, Joel and Pat will be attending along with a variety of other political and planning meetings. Watch this blog for information as the week progresses.