Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Professional Days for 2010-11

Last year the Quality Teaching Block grant which provided seven Quality Teaching Days, was not funded. Through the negotiation process, five days were funded as Professional Days.

Again this year, the 2010-11 calendar includes a total of five Professional Days. Two of the Professional days are calendared prior to the beginning of the school year. A contract day is also calendared prior to the beginning of the school year giving educators a total of three days before school starts. The additional three Professional days appear at the end of the first, second, and third terms.

Important Dates to Note
August 17 New Teacher Orientation, 9:00 - 12:00
August 18 Professional or Contract Day*
August 19 District Department Sponsored Meetings, 8:00 - 10:00
Teacher preparation time
August 20 Professional or Contract Day*
October 29 Jr. High Summit and High School SLC Summit, 8:00 - 11:30
January 18 Elementary Summit, 8:00 - 11:30

* The contract day scheduled prior to the beginning of school is reserved for individual and team planning activities. According to the Professional Agreement, this day must be free of any mandatory meetings so that educators may use it to prepare classrooms and lessons in anticipation of the new school year. At the discretion of the JSSC, the teacher contract day can be either the 18th or the 20th. The 19th is reserved for District sponsored meetings and teacher preparation time.