Friday, October 30, 2009

Meet Vice President and Executive Board Member Don Paver

Don is a fifth grade teacher at Columbia Elementary. Don has been teaching in Davis for 13 years and first joined the association as a student at Weber State. Don has a wide variety of service to the association and the district.

“I am interested in the need to see DEA and UEA become more proactive. We need to be ahead of controversy and better plan for change. We also need to develop a better system of recognizing the good things the association and its members do.
I bring eight years of professional public relations and marketing experience to teaching. I ran for public office in Salt Lake twice. I chaired three of the largest political conventions in the State of Utah. I am a recognized as an in-service and professional development presenter within the District, State and on a national level (UCTM and NCTM). I served on the Utah Council of Teacher of Mathematics Board for six years as the Public Relations Chair. I have been and continue to serve on several state assessment committees.”

You can email Don at