Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Two Views of Utah's Caucus System

A former Davis County Legislator and a current Davis County Legislator have expressed their views about our current caucus and convention system for selecting candidates for elections. Please take a few minutes to read both views.

Jim Nielson - Supports the Current System

Sheryl Allen - Supports Changing the Current System

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lessons Learned - Senator Osmond Responds

After meeting with educators from around the state, Senator Osmond has written his response. Please take the time to read his comments and respond.

Read the Post

Monday, November 14, 2011

Schools Need More Help

"Republicans are trying to paint a picture of failing public schools. We don't believe that our schools are failing. They just need a little more help."
Karen Morgan - Utah State Senate

Read More

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Editorial Names Enemy of Public Education

Stephenson is determined, one way or another, to take taxpayer money and siphon it to private schools instead of using more of it to improve public schools. Schools that don't score up to par on the grading system would be closed and education of their students turned over to private businesses. It's the first step to privatization, Stephenson's ultimate goal.

Read the complete Salt Lake Tribune editorial - click here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why I Send My Children to Public Schools

Take time to read this inspiring and informative article shared by Elinda Bean on the DEA Facebook page.

Click to Read

Monday, September 26, 2011

Who is Responsible for Mediocre Schools?

Read today's editorial from The Salt Lake Tribune. Click Here

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Teacher Voices

Jennifer Baker from Sunset Junior High has written an opinion piece for the Deseret News. Click here to read the article.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

By Any Measure, Utah Teachers Underpaid

A new Utah Foundation study finds that the salaries of Utah public school teachers are not at the bottom among neighboring states. That's good news. Because Utah is often alone in the cellar when it comes to the states' investment in education.

However, the researchers would have done well to make broader comparisons in order to paint a complete picture.

Click to read the complete editorial in the Tribune.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

DEA PAC Committee Member Speaks Out in the Deseret News

In short, our public education system and our neighborhood public schools are part of the foundation of our republic and society. Anything that will weaken our schools will weaken us as a people.

Read Richard Heath's Letter - Click Here

Friday, September 2, 2011

Who Supports the Middle Class?

For several decades, it has been fashionable and politically correct to bash labor unions. Whereas they comprise such a small part of the population and spend so much less than business on political campaigns, most people have a very unbalanced view.

To read the guest commentary in the Standard Examiner, Click Here.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

School Board Support

The Davis School Board voted 6-1 to restore 2 school days and to reduce class sizes in grades K-3. This move supports the agreement negotiated last spring.

Read the Deseret News article -Click Here

Monday, August 15, 2011

Deseret News Posts DEA President's Column

Educators are doing more with less. Some have been asked to empty their trash each day because the custodial staff has been significantly reduced. Many teachers are coming early and staying later to prepare instruction - outside of contract time.

Read the Voices column written by Don Paver.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Who's to Blame?

Rep. Steve Handy, R-Layton, said he received an email from a constituent who said legislators will be blamed for the tax increase.

"I'm here to take my share of the blame," Handy said. "We do not fund adequately public education in this state."

Handy said he "reluctantly supports" the tax increase, but will work during the next legislative session to better fund education.

Read the article in the Ogden Standard Examiner about the hearing last Thursday.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Paying for Schools

Survey after survey has shown that Utahns want better public schools and they understand that the embarrassingly low per-pupil and per-taxpayer investment in education in the Beehive State is harming the neighborhood schools they care about. Those surveyed have said they would support a tax increase if the money went to their public schools.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Busy Week at DEA

There is a lot going on at the DEA office next week.

August 9 - The DEA Executive Board is meeting in the afternoon and evening for some planning and training. 

August 10 - The building reps are meeting from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. for training and information about current issues. Reps have been sent information. If you are a rep and have not been added to our email distribution list, please let us know so we can update our list and send you the information. Make up information has been sent to the reps since there are always some conflicts with district trainings and last minute vacations.

August 11 - The Davis School Board will be holding a truth-in-taxation hearing at 6:00 PM. Thanks to all of those who have committed to attend the hearing next week. If you have not yet answered our survey, please click the link below to give us your feedback.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Two Views about Current Issues

Richard Heath, DEA's representative on UEA PAC, has a commentary in the Deseret News.

Click Here to Read

The Salt Lake Tribune has a guest commentary supporting the Ogden teachers.

Click Here to Read

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Assault Renewed

Read more about the legislative attacks on public educations in the SL Tribune. Click Here.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Davis Teachers Join Protest in Support of OEA

Wearing red T-shirts and waving black-and-white signs, an estimated 800 people rallied in Ogden's Liberty Park on Thursday to protest the city school district's decision to not negotiate a contract with its teachers union.

Those joining the crowd were not just members of the Ogden Education Association (OEA). Standing alongside Ogden teachers were educators from Washington County to Logan and a range of union members, including teamsters, machinists, federal government employees, plumbers and the AFL-CIO. They rallied around a common cry: Preserve collective-bargaining rights.

Click to read the complete SL Tribune Coverage.

Visit DEA on Facebook to view photos and comments.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Davis Educators Encouraged to Support Ogden Teachers

UEA is encouraging teachers from throughout the state to attend a rally to show support for Ogden Teachers on July 14 at 10:00 a.m. at Ogden's Liberty Park. Please watch this page and the UEA page along with your email for further information.

Click Here to Read Salt Lake Tribune Coverage

Friday, July 1, 2011

Ogden Teachers Told Take-It-Or-Leave-It

Jay Blain, spokesman for the Utah Education Association, said his office is disappointed by the Ogden School Board's decision.

"It's unfortunate they are not collaborating with the association to work together for the best outcome for students and teachers in the district," he said. "Across the state, we see the vast majority of districts working collaboratively with teachers' associations.

"We are saddened by the turn of events in Ogden. In any employment environment where workers don't feel respected, there's going to be difficulty. They always say they want to attract and retain more teachers, and Ogden will find doing that more difficult with this kind of action."

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Utah School Districts Pinching Pennies

For the second year in a row, Davis is asking taxpayers to pitch in more for schools. Davis faced $18.7 million in additional expenses this year, including $3 million to restore two school days that were cut last year on a one-time basis to save money. But it is one of the school districts that is receiving more - not less - in state funds. It will get a $3 million boost from the state.

Still, to cover those rising costs, including scheduled raises for employees and 900 new students, Davis is asking taxpayers for an additional $8.5 million - that's $64 a year for a $200,000 home. The tax increase also includes $2.5 million to reduce average class sizes in kindergarten through third grade by one student.

Read More in The Salt Lake Tribune

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Board Honors Susan Firmage

At the Davis School Board Meeting on June 21, Board President Marion Story speaks for the board in recognizing Susan Firmage for her years of service to the Davis Education Association and the Davis School District while Assistant Superintendents Craig Poll and Pam Park, who worked closely with Susan, stood by to show their support.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

America the Purple

Our ability to use our American political system as it was intended, to come and reason together, is being poisoned by an increasing polarization. Government institutions, political parties, whole regions of the country, are being pushed further and further into one political extreme or the other, widening the gap that true leaders must bridge in order to rule a democratic nation.

Read More from the SL Tribune

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Message from DEA President Don Paver

Well the traditional school year has ended. I hope you are enjoying the early days of summer (fall, spring, winter – I think the weather has confused the seasons).

I wish to express my thanks and sincere appreciation to Susan Firmage for her service to the association and the district the past five years as DEA president. As a result of her leadership, our membership is strong. The Membership and the Legislative/PAC Committees are working hard to engage members and non-members in the work of providing “Quality Public Schools for All Children.” I have seen her passion for students and teachers. She has been an excellent mentor. She has represented our interests well, even in difficult economic times. Thank you again, Susan!

A new dawn is upon us. Now more than ever, we need to be united in our efforts to protect public education. We are under attack from all sides. Join me a we build new relationships, recruit new members, strengthen our committees, look for new ways to service our members, work with Parents for Neighborhood Public Schools, and find new partners with other community organizations which can echo our message. We need to be seen as a positive force for helping children be more success and for helping educators be more effective in the classroom.

I spent June 1st – 5th in Washington D.C. at new leaders training. It was invigorating to meet with other new association presidents while receiving information for NEA. On June 6th, I was in the office taking up the work as association president. Next week, is UEA Leadership Academy, where I am sure I will again gather information vital to helping our organization grow. That will be followed by the NEA’s Representative Assembly in late June and early July.

So hopefully you can see that summer is a busy time for us in the DEA office. Your Executive Board members will be extensively involved also. Please remember that we are here to serve you. Do not hesitate to contact the DEA office or me for any reason. Keep an eye on the blog for information from the RA. It should be very exciting.


Don Paver
DEA President

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

School Board Approves Negotiated Agreement

Just moments ago the Davis School District School Board voted to approve the agreement which had recently been ratified by the members of the DEA in a 95% vote of approval. In her final act as president, Susan Firmage addressed the board to thank them for their support and to report the results of the ratification vote. Details of the settlement were provided to building reps during a ratification meeting. Summaries were also emailed to members.

One member of the school board voted against the agreement. Peter Cannon represents the central part of the district including Farmington and Fruit Heights.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Importance of Teachers

(KUER) - Thursday on RadioWest, a conversation with New York Times columnist David Brooks about his latest book "The Social Animal." The book gets at the story of how success happens. It's about the role of the inner mind - the unconscious - where intution and longing influence the human character. It's about that surprising relationship between reason and emotion. Mostly though it's about how who we are is determined not by our sense of individuality, but by our connections to each other.

Listen to the Broadcast or Read More

Saturday, May 21, 2011

No Rest for Susan Firmage

Although our president Susan Firmage is returning to the classroom at Heritage Elementary, she will still be a leader within the UEA. Early Saturday morning Susan was reelected as president of the UEA Council of Local Presidents. This group meets eight times each year to discuss statewide issues and local concerns. The CLP is an important advisory group to the UEA officers and staff.

Susan has served five years as DEA president after being appointed to complete Ellen Thompson's term when she was elected to be UEA president. Susan's leadership is respected throughout Davis School District and throughout the state.

Don Paver will take over as DEA president on June 4. Susan will continue to be in charge of negotiations if that process is not completed by the end of the year.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Funding Failure

So this year, when the Legislature allocated $50 million more for the state's public schools, it seemed as though things were looking up - until education officials had a chance to look closely at how the money will be distributed. They didn't have much time to do that during the session, since the education budget bill, HB2, was made public just three days before the session ended and passed on the very last day.

Monday, May 9, 2011

In Memory - Steve Hill DEA Member and Friend

BOUNTIFUL -- Dr. Steven Hill is remembered as a kind, considerate man who got to know every student he came into contact with.

Hill, director of special education for Davis School District, died Tuesday of complications following cancer surgery, according to a news release by the district and a Facebook page set up in his memory. He is survived by his wife and two daughters.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Education Funding Still Decreasing

Randy Shumway, Deseret News columnist, should be congratulated for his excellent, recent article ("Fiscal negligence at the expense of our children," April 26). When he accuses our society of "continued misalignment of spending priorities" and urges greater "investment" in "thoughtful advancement in K-12 and higher education" he is, in my opinion, right on.

Unfortunately, in Utah that does not appear to be the case; we lag way behind our neighbors in educational funding. For the past three years, we have not even funded new students coming into the system.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tax Increase Needed?

Davis School District officials are considering options and gathering information to determine ways to trim between $7 million and $8 million from the district's budget for the 2011-12 school year.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Schools are more important than highways

Our children's education is more important and leaves a longer lasting legacy than any other public works project. Education benefits our democracy, increases our Gross National Product and ensures a stable and vibrant economy.

Read More from The Salt Lake Tribune

Monday, April 18, 2011

From SL Tribune

How do schools spend your money?

In Utah - a state with a high proportion of children and the lowest base per-pupil spending in the nation - school funding is a perpetual concern. But it's often misunderstood. Utah's system for funding schools is a complex web of programs, formulas and terminology that can make it difficult for average Utahns to understand exactly how their tax dollars pay for education.

Read More

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reform Happens Despite Lack of Financial Support

We've just got to hand it to Utah's public education officials.

Utah schools are dead last among all the states in funding. They're last in teacher-to-student ratio (we have the largest class sizes in the country). And the Beehive State's classroom rolls just keep growing, straining all available resources to the limit.

Read More

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Disturbing Comments from Lt. Governor Bell

Read the disturbing comments made by Greg Bell during a luncheon in Salt Lake City. Click Here

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Election Results

President: Don Paver

Vice President: Yvonne Speckman

Comment from candidate Jennifer Roberts on our Facebook Page

"Congratulations to Don and Yvonne our new President and Vice-President. Thanks for being willing to serve at this challenging time. The high percentage of voters that cast a ballot for this election indicate that our members are engaging more and see the association as important at this critical time. I hope we all stay involved and do our part for the sake of the chidren and the profession."

Add your comments on Facebook or on this blog.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Richard Heath Published in Deseret News

Change Utah's Nomination Process by Richard Heath, DEA Executive Board

There are some things that are out of date: button shoes, steam automobiles, poodle skirts and Utah's political party caucus system. It is time for Utah to join the 20th century - I don't know about the 21st century yet (I don't want to push it) - and drop this antiquated political practice.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Legislative Session Ends

During the last 45 days the legislature passed over 500 bills. More than 240 were passed just this week. Probably even the legislators don't understand completely what they have done.

The UEA and DEA staffs will go to work analyzing how the bills impact schools, teachers and students as we begin preparations for negotiations. What we do know is that it could have been worse. Because our legislature has been frugal over the last two years and has not overspent in anticipation of an economic recovery (silver lining?), we are beginning to see improvements in funding rather than continued declines as in many other states. We still face some economic challenges caused by two years of unfunded growth, increasing retirement and social security costs, continuing increases in health insurance costs, and other pressures caused by the recession and other factors.

The UEA lobbying team will be posting legislative summaries over the next few days. Please continue to watch UEA Under the Dome for those updates. DEA will work closely with the District Administration to determine how the changes impact Davis School District. The final budget numbers will not be available to us until after spring break.

Monday, March 7, 2011

UEA President Speaks Out in Deseret News

Some Utah policy makers only view public education from the 30,000-foot level. The advantage to this perspective is that "bombs" can be dropped on our children and teachers without regard to the consequences to those on the ground.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rotten Apples for Teachers - Paul Rolly

With just four days left in the 2011 legislative session, the annual assault on public school teachers is just about over for this year.

After Thursday, teachers can lick their wounds, hobble into their classrooms and continue to try to teach kids to the best of their ability, despite relentless attacks from the tea party movement that they are overpaid, lazy and socialist.

Read More

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Misconceptions about Teacher Evaluation

Here is another great letter to the editor from the SL Tribune regarding teacher evaluation.

Click Here to Read and/or Comment

Let Lawmakers Do It All

This letter from former DEA VP Dave Van Langeveld appeared in the Deseret News.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Utah Foundation Quick Poll

Follow this link to include your opinion in a quick poll being done by The Utah Foundation. Even though the legislature often chooses to ignore polls that indicate citizens want more emphasis on schools and would be willing to increase taxes to reduce class sizes and pay teachers, this is a chance to express your opinion. The Utah Foundation is an independent source of information as expressed in their mission statement:

The mission of Utah Foundation is to promote a thriving economy, a well-prepared workforce, and a high quality of life for Utahns by performing thorough, well-supported research that helps policymakers, business and community leaders, and citizens better understand complex issues and providing practical, well-reasoned recommendations for policy change.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Legislative Hostility toward Teachers

This letter appeared in the SL Tribune on February 24. It seems to express the frustration we hear from many educators as we visit schools.

Please share other editorials and letters with or post them to this blog yourself.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stay Up To Date On Current Legislative Issues

The UEA has developed several ways for members to be informed and involved during the legislative session...

  • UEA 'Under the Dome': The "UEA Under the Dome" website is updated regularly with news and links to relevant information. Members of the Legislative Team will also provide regular updates and commentary.
  • Educator Day on the Hill: The UEA is continuing its successful "Educator Day on the Hill" activities each Friday during the 2011 legislative session (Jan. 28, Feb. 4, Feb. 11, Feb. 18, Feb. 25, and March 4), with an additional day on Monday, March 7. Educators are invited to join the UEA Legislative Team these days.
  • UEA Action E-mail Newsletter: A summary of current happenings at the Utah Legislature will be shared with all members in each monthly issue of the new UEA Action e-newsletter during the Legislative session.
  • UEA Action Bulletin: The UEA will provide legislative e-mail updates on important breaking news through the new UEA Action Bulletin e-newsletter.
  • Take Action!: Take Action! is an online tool allowing easy communication with your elected representatives on important state and national issues. Different issues will be added to the Take Action! link as they surface.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Failing Legislators

Read this letter to the editor from the Salt Lake Tribune. Post your own comment there as well.

Monday, February 7, 2011

SL Tribune Editorial Support

This editorial from Monday's Salt Lake Tribune addresses concerns about the funding shell game going on at the Capitol in the committee budget discussions. Take a few minutes to read it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Public Ed Appropriations Committee Slashes Budget

Check out these links for some important information about items being discussed by the legislature.

Public Education base budget is slashed by 11.2%, more than any other base budget under discussion.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another Legislative Experience

On Friday, January 28, I had the opportunity to attend Educator Day on the Hill at the State Capital. When we first arrived early that morning we met with the UEA Legislative Team and discussed the 27 bills, so far, that impact education. We then went over to the capitol and just stopped and met with members of the legislature in the hallways. I talked to Rep. Roger Barrus who is sponsoring the bill that modifies provisions to increase Trust Lands money for schools. I talked briefly to a few other representatives and senators.

At lunch several senators and representatives came into the room where we were eating and gave their perspective and acknowledged our concerns and questions. I was impressed with the relationship the association has with them. Our UEA Team is well educated on all of these bills. They know what these bills mean to education, they know those that are involved with these bills and keep in close contact with them. Our DEA team is also up on the hill working right alongside them. I came back wondering what would happen if these people were not up there fighting for us as well as education in general.

Debbie Fenwick - Sand Springs Elementary

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Educator Day on the Hill

It is a great opportunity to go to the hill and make a personal contact with my legislators. Now that I have a contact I have a face and memory attached to the communications that I send to my representatives. It was great to sit at the table with UEA leadership and know what they are doing and to become an agent with them to help represent all of us. How wonderful would it be if each legislator had five to ten teachers among their constituents as resources to them as they make decisions about the future of education. We have many legislators that support the students of Utah and their schools. At lunch several representatives came and spoke to us about their vision and how we could help. These legislators want the best for education and respect teachers.

Please take the opportunity to go to the hill. You will be glad that you did. Take this opportunity to make a difference in a venue that you may have not tried before. This experience will increase your confidence and build contacts that will allow your voice to be heard.

Thank you for this experience on the hill.

Dan Pitcher

Clearfield High School

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Legislative Town Meeting Updates

Thursday, February 3, at 7:30 - Representatives Brad Wilson and Julie Fisher at the Kaysville City Hall.

Thursday, February 3, at 7:00 - Representative Roger Barrus and Senator Dan Liljenquist at West Bountiful City Hall.

Wednesday, February 16, at 7:00 - Representative Roger Barrus and Senator Stuart Adams at the Farmington City Hall.

Please let us know of other town halls scheduled.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Legislative Town Hall Meetings

Wednesday, January 26, at 6:30 - Senator Dan Liljenquist and Representatives Becky Edwards and Jim Nielson at the Bountiful City Library.

Thursday, January 27, at 7:30 - Senator Stuart Adams and Representatives Stephen Handy and Brad Wilson at the Destination Homes building, 67 S. Main Street in Layton, third floor.

Thursday, February 3, at 7:30 - Representatives Brad Wilson and Julie Fisher at the Kaysville City Hall.

Wednesday, February 16, at 7:00 - Senator Stuart Adams at the Farmington City Hall.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Board Member Publishes in Salt Lake Tribune

Executive Board Member Richard Heath has once again published an opinion piece in The Salt Lake Tribune. Thank Richard for speaking up for students and teachers. Read the Article.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Retirement Seminar January 27

The annual retirement seminar sponsored by DEA, DESP, and the District will be held on January 27 at Northridge High School. Registration begins at 4:00 PM with presentations beginning at 4:30. This is a great opportunity for anyone whether beginning a career or approaching retirement. Watch for more information by email or call DEA for more information.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Legislative Session Preview

This information is from UEA's Under the Dome

The UEA Legislative Team is preparing to face several hot issues as the 59th Utah State Legislature begins its work Jan. 24. While few details are available about any specific legislation, here are a few issues the team is tracking:

  • State Budget - Gov. Gary Herbert presented a proposed 2011-12 budget that provides $63 million in new funding for public education. Legislative leadership balked at some portions the governor's proposal, indicating they may seek to cut about 7 percent from the overall budget.
  • Teacher Merit Pay - Past years have seen localized pilot programs, but no statewide pay-for-performance proposal has yet been seriously considered. The UEA opposes any plan that uses student test scores as the sole indicator of teacher effectiveness.
  • School Property Tax Equalization - Attempts have been made during the past few years to equalize property tax funding among school districts statewide. Several proposals have surfaced this year, including one from the State School Board.
  • Grading Schools - Legislators are discussing a plan to give a single letter grade (A,B,C,D,F) to public schools, modeled after similar legislation enacted in Florida.
  • Retirement - There has been talk about modifying last year's Senate Bill 63 to allow retirees to substitute teach. Changes to Utah Retirement System contribution rates may also be considered.
  • Orderly Termination Act - Recent hype about the perceived inability of school districts to fire "bad teachers" has some legislators interested in making changes to the Utah Orderly School Termination Procedures Act. This Act provides a process for removing employees who have passed their probationary period and earned "career" status.
  • Charter Schools - Legislators have discussed proposals for increased charter school funding and creating a process to convert a traditional public school to a charter school.
  • Elections for State School Board Races - In a meeting with the UEA Board, Gov. Herbert called the current state school board election process "screwy" and in need of change. Some legislators have discussed making these elections partisan and subject to the party caucus process.
  • Association Leave - There will likely be another attempt to eliminate school district pay for teachers who serve as association presidents, a change that would impact four school districts.
  • "Backpack" Funding - The current WPU is a form of "backpack" funding where money follows a student to each school district. There have been discussions about pushing this funding to the individual school level.
  • Optional Full-Day Kindergarten - The Governor's proposed budget includes a $7.5 million line item to continue an optional full-day kindergarten program.

"Whether we like it or not, what happens on Utah's Capitol Hill impacts what we do in the classroom," said UEA Government Relations Director Kory Holdaway. "I encourage all UEA members to follow legislative issues impacting education and, more importantly, contact their representatives to let them know how they feel about those issues."

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome Back

Welcome back to school after a two-week break. We hope everyone is refreshed and ready for the end of first semester. It is hard to believe the year is nearly half over. DEA is busy preparing for the upcoming legislative session. As we learn more about the legislature's intentions, we will get that information to you using this blog and direct emails. Information will also be given to your building reps as the session progresses. Although the economy shows signs of improving, we are still expecting a difficult session. Thanks for your continued membership. Our strength is in our numbers.