Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stay Up To Date On Current Legislative Issues

The UEA has developed several ways for members to be informed and involved during the legislative session...

  • UEA 'Under the Dome': The "UEA Under the Dome" website is updated regularly with news and links to relevant information. Members of the Legislative Team will also provide regular updates and commentary.
  • Educator Day on the Hill: The UEA is continuing its successful "Educator Day on the Hill" activities each Friday during the 2011 legislative session (Jan. 28, Feb. 4, Feb. 11, Feb. 18, Feb. 25, and March 4), with an additional day on Monday, March 7. Educators are invited to join the UEA Legislative Team these days.
  • UEA Action E-mail Newsletter: A summary of current happenings at the Utah Legislature will be shared with all members in each monthly issue of the new UEA Action e-newsletter during the Legislative session.
  • UEA Action Bulletin: The UEA will provide legislative e-mail updates on important breaking news through the new UEA Action Bulletin e-newsletter.
  • Take Action!: Take Action! is an online tool allowing easy communication with your elected representatives on important state and national issues. Different issues will be added to the Take Action! link as they surface.