Monday, February 28, 2011

Utah Foundation Quick Poll

Follow this link to include your opinion in a quick poll being done by The Utah Foundation. Even though the legislature often chooses to ignore polls that indicate citizens want more emphasis on schools and would be willing to increase taxes to reduce class sizes and pay teachers, this is a chance to express your opinion. The Utah Foundation is an independent source of information as expressed in their mission statement:

The mission of Utah Foundation is to promote a thriving economy, a well-prepared workforce, and a high quality of life for Utahns by performing thorough, well-supported research that helps policymakers, business and community leaders, and citizens better understand complex issues and providing practical, well-reasoned recommendations for policy change.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Legislative Hostility toward Teachers

This letter appeared in the SL Tribune on February 24. It seems to express the frustration we hear from many educators as we visit schools.

Please share other editorials and letters with or post them to this blog yourself.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stay Up To Date On Current Legislative Issues

The UEA has developed several ways for members to be informed and involved during the legislative session...

  • UEA 'Under the Dome': The "UEA Under the Dome" website is updated regularly with news and links to relevant information. Members of the Legislative Team will also provide regular updates and commentary.
  • Educator Day on the Hill: The UEA is continuing its successful "Educator Day on the Hill" activities each Friday during the 2011 legislative session (Jan. 28, Feb. 4, Feb. 11, Feb. 18, Feb. 25, and March 4), with an additional day on Monday, March 7. Educators are invited to join the UEA Legislative Team these days.
  • UEA Action E-mail Newsletter: A summary of current happenings at the Utah Legislature will be shared with all members in each monthly issue of the new UEA Action e-newsletter during the Legislative session.
  • UEA Action Bulletin: The UEA will provide legislative e-mail updates on important breaking news through the new UEA Action Bulletin e-newsletter.
  • Take Action!: Take Action! is an online tool allowing easy communication with your elected representatives on important state and national issues. Different issues will be added to the Take Action! link as they surface.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Failing Legislators

Read this letter to the editor from the Salt Lake Tribune. Post your own comment there as well.

Monday, February 7, 2011

SL Tribune Editorial Support

This editorial from Monday's Salt Lake Tribune addresses concerns about the funding shell game going on at the Capitol in the committee budget discussions. Take a few minutes to read it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Public Ed Appropriations Committee Slashes Budget

Check out these links for some important information about items being discussed by the legislature.

Public Education base budget is slashed by 11.2%, more than any other base budget under discussion.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another Legislative Experience

On Friday, January 28, I had the opportunity to attend Educator Day on the Hill at the State Capital. When we first arrived early that morning we met with the UEA Legislative Team and discussed the 27 bills, so far, that impact education. We then went over to the capitol and just stopped and met with members of the legislature in the hallways. I talked to Rep. Roger Barrus who is sponsoring the bill that modifies provisions to increase Trust Lands money for schools. I talked briefly to a few other representatives and senators.

At lunch several senators and representatives came into the room where we were eating and gave their perspective and acknowledged our concerns and questions. I was impressed with the relationship the association has with them. Our UEA Team is well educated on all of these bills. They know what these bills mean to education, they know those that are involved with these bills and keep in close contact with them. Our DEA team is also up on the hill working right alongside them. I came back wondering what would happen if these people were not up there fighting for us as well as education in general.

Debbie Fenwick - Sand Springs Elementary

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Educator Day on the Hill

It is a great opportunity to go to the hill and make a personal contact with my legislators. Now that I have a contact I have a face and memory attached to the communications that I send to my representatives. It was great to sit at the table with UEA leadership and know what they are doing and to become an agent with them to help represent all of us. How wonderful would it be if each legislator had five to ten teachers among their constituents as resources to them as they make decisions about the future of education. We have many legislators that support the students of Utah and their schools. At lunch several representatives came and spoke to us about their vision and how we could help. These legislators want the best for education and respect teachers.

Please take the opportunity to go to the hill. You will be glad that you did. Take this opportunity to make a difference in a venue that you may have not tried before. This experience will increase your confidence and build contacts that will allow your voice to be heard.

Thank you for this experience on the hill.

Dan Pitcher

Clearfield High School