Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Importance of Teachers

(KUER) - Thursday on RadioWest, a conversation with New York Times columnist David Brooks about his latest book "The Social Animal." The book gets at the story of how success happens. It's about the role of the inner mind - the unconscious - where intution and longing influence the human character. It's about that surprising relationship between reason and emotion. Mostly though it's about how who we are is determined not by our sense of individuality, but by our connections to each other.

Listen to the Broadcast or Read More

Saturday, May 21, 2011

No Rest for Susan Firmage

Although our president Susan Firmage is returning to the classroom at Heritage Elementary, she will still be a leader within the UEA. Early Saturday morning Susan was reelected as president of the UEA Council of Local Presidents. This group meets eight times each year to discuss statewide issues and local concerns. The CLP is an important advisory group to the UEA officers and staff.

Susan has served five years as DEA president after being appointed to complete Ellen Thompson's term when she was elected to be UEA president. Susan's leadership is respected throughout Davis School District and throughout the state.

Don Paver will take over as DEA president on June 4. Susan will continue to be in charge of negotiations if that process is not completed by the end of the year.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Funding Failure

So this year, when the Legislature allocated $50 million more for the state's public schools, it seemed as though things were looking up - until education officials had a chance to look closely at how the money will be distributed. They didn't have much time to do that during the session, since the education budget bill, HB2, was made public just three days before the session ended and passed on the very last day.

Monday, May 9, 2011

In Memory - Steve Hill DEA Member and Friend

BOUNTIFUL -- Dr. Steven Hill is remembered as a kind, considerate man who got to know every student he came into contact with.

Hill, director of special education for Davis School District, died Tuesday of complications following cancer surgery, according to a news release by the district and a Facebook page set up in his memory. He is survived by his wife and two daughters.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Education Funding Still Decreasing

Randy Shumway, Deseret News columnist, should be congratulated for his excellent, recent article ("Fiscal negligence at the expense of our children," April 26). When he accuses our society of "continued misalignment of spending priorities" and urges greater "investment" in "thoughtful advancement in K-12 and higher education" he is, in my opinion, right on.

Unfortunately, in Utah that does not appear to be the case; we lag way behind our neighbors in educational funding. For the past three years, we have not even funded new students coming into the system.