Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lessons Learned - Senator Osmond Responds

After meeting with educators from around the state, Senator Osmond has written his response. Please take the time to read his comments and respond.

Read the Post

Monday, November 14, 2011

Schools Need More Help

"Republicans are trying to paint a picture of failing public schools. We don't believe that our schools are failing. They just need a little more help."
Karen Morgan - Utah State Senate

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Editorial Names Enemy of Public Education

Stephenson is determined, one way or another, to take taxpayer money and siphon it to private schools instead of using more of it to improve public schools. Schools that don't score up to par on the grading system would be closed and education of their students turned over to private businesses. It's the first step to privatization, Stephenson's ultimate goal.

Read the complete Salt Lake Tribune editorial - click here.